

DIY Recipe: Cannabis-Infused Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Winter’s winding down, but there’s a still a chill in the air. So, what better way to make it through the last bit of the …


How can I make cannabis butter to make my own edibles?

Hello! You can use this article below to learn how to make cannabis butter, also known as cannabutter. In the article it references two different …


When making an 8×8 inch pan of brownies how much bud butter should I use?

You will want to use the amount of oil that the brownie recipe calls for. If it is 1/2 cup, then make the canna-oil (coconut …


Peanut butter cookies


When making chocolate chip cookies, do you use the same amount of cannabutter as you would regular butter?

I do not recommend "home cooking/baking" with medical marijuana. It is so variable how much gets in each "piece" of food. And edible foods infused …


How to use pre-packaged mix with cannabutter?

"I’m baking with cannabutter and have used a direct measurement exchange in the past and found the result to be too potent. Is there a …


after you pour the butter through the cheese cloth can you dry and smoke the left over

After the flower/trim has been cooked with butter, all or most of the THC and CBD has been removed. There will also be remnants of …


can I deduce the potency of homemade edibles by dividing total mg of thc in butter used by # of pieces?

That will give you a good approximation of the content as long as everything is mixed thoroughly. The issue with edibles is that the effect …


What is the best DIY topical cream?

"What’s the best DIY topical cream for arthritis I can make? I am using what concentration oil? I did some research and found that CBD …


do you have a recipe for spiced nuts using bud butter?

No, I don’t believe we do. Can you just use Canna-butter and a regular spiced nut recipe? Here is the canna-butter recipe. https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/cannabis-infused-butter-recipe-make-your-own mark Don’t …


Forgive my ignorance…

"but I thought THC was the psychoactive ingredient, and this has 170 mgs. I’d love to try this body butter but I don’t want the …


DIY Recipe: Cannabutter, or Cannabis Butter

For people who want to make medicated foods, cooking up a batch of cannabis-infused butter, better known as cannabutter, is one of the easiest ways …

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