Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Does cbd oil interact with Anastrozole? Should my mom wait until after surgery to start taking cbd oil?

"My mom has breast cancer and she’s interested in taking cbd oil. She’s taking 1mg of Anastrozole a day. Would there be any kind of …

Breast Cancer

My mother just had a hip replacement and is in pain still.

"Can she use cannabis to help? She is 70 years old and is a breast cancer survivor. She had a mastectomy 10 years ago with …

Breast Cancer

My friend has aggressive breast cancer.

"I told her about people’s success with cannabis, and she was interested. But she is concerned that it might stop her from getting into a …

Breast Cancer

Does long term use of CBD, such as a tincture on a daily basis, reduce the risk of breast cancer?

"My family has a long history of breast cancer among women. Luckily, everyone who has gotten it has survived with conventional treatment, chemo, etc. That …

Breast Cancer

How can cannabis oil/creams help with medicine caused joint pain?

"Meds taken after breast cancer causing joint pain side effects." Joint pain from arthritis effects about 10 million people in the world today. Those that …