

I'm in Missouri. What type of cannabis can I obtain legally?

"I have nausea pain migraines neck fusion 3 cerebral brain aneurysms fibromyalgoa and etc.I live in Missouri and was on marinol 2.5 , twice a …


I have brain cancer would cdb help with my headaches and nerve pains

Yes cannabis can help with brain cancer, headaches and nerve pains. The cannabinoids (CBD, THC, CBN, CBG and many others) work best when they are …


CBD ratio in sublingual tincture for migraine

"I have neurofibromatosis and so I have neurofibromas or benign tumors in my brain which often cause massive migraines. I have been vaping a strain …


husband only wants to sleep and does not want to eat

"My husband has a diffuse glioma (brain cancer) and wants to sleep all the time and does not want to eat–it is like he has …


My husband is taking THC for brain cancer and is vomiting and nauseous lately. Could it be the THC?

"My husband has been on THC for brain cancer for two months now–he has 1 month to go to complete his 60 grams–have been up …


could a high from marijuana lead to lifelong brain damage and stupidity ?

"hi.i;ve been smokin marijuana for over a year. not like smoking every day but… le’s say here n then once a month – a week …


allergic to cannabis

"My husband is using it for brain cancer but today he has congestion from it and a rash like hives on his upper shoulder area. …


Is it OK for a teenager to smoke marijuana? Does it have a negative effect on brain development?

There has been research discouraging adolescent use of cannabis. As you’re probably well aware, there is a limited amount of research available for cannabis right …


Might MM be affecting other medications taking?

"We have the MM card and have MM THC for my husband’s slow growing brain cancer (diffuse glioma). He has to take lots of medication …


is an overdose of thc harmful for brain cancer?

If you are speaking about a "overdose" of cannabis, there really is no such thing. There has never been a reported death from using cannabis. …


With diffuse glioma (brain tumor)and symptom of weak muscles, will SRO help?

"My husband went from Texas to San Diego; got SRO MMJ. Had trouble walking onto the plane–finally managed with help. On the first day in …


I have read that THC (RSO) is not absorbed when using it in a suppository. Some doctors say it is not absorbed

"I did not get a direct answer when I asked earlier. My husband has brain cancer and I read two articles by Dr. Allan Frankel, …