

Do food allergies correspond to marijuana allergies?

"If I am allergic to blueberries, will I experience an allergic reaction to a cannabis product that is heavy on blueberry terpenes?" Hello! No. What …


Is blueberry diesel a great strain for enhancing sexual encounters?

I’ll have to try this strain and get back to you 😉 Generally speaking, its genetics are strong. Along with Blue Dream, Blueberry and Sour …


Terra edible Blueberry made me throw up 2 hrs and extreme vertigo

"I’m new to cannabis. I had 1 Terra Espresso edible the first night and it was perfect. 2nd night tried 1 blueberry and in 1 …


Synergistic effect

"Dear Kiva, I was introduced to Kiva just before my open heart surgery in April by my delivery driver in Santa Maria. I have two …


Do you carry Kiva Blueberry TerraBites?

We will! We should be carrying the full line of Kiva products by August 30th. Please check out our website to check out our …

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