

Would medical cannabis help with symptoms of Biopolar II?

"Hello. I am 26 years old and have had experience with recreational weed in the past. However i found that medicated Weed has helped with …


Is this product safe for depression and bipolar sufferers?

Hello, Jack Herer would be a good choice during the depressive phase. However, because it is a sativa dominant hybrid, the Jack Herer strain might …


Hello Dr. Edmund. I am looking for a doctor that will support my using cannabis to treat my bipolar symptoms.

"Are you able to make a suggestion? Kaiser will no longer treat me unless I agree to take thier meds and stay off cannabis. But …


Can I get medical marijuana for my bipolar disorder and PTSD?

It will depend on your Bipolar diagnosis. Some evidence points to cannabis helping bipolar, while other evidence reports that cannabis can exacerbate your symptoms and …


I am am looking for a doctor for my PTSD, BiPolar Disorder. I also have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. Will cannabis help me?

"I am 53 and I have been diagnosed with PTSD BiPolarDisorder and I have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood …


family member suffering from schizophrenia since 19

"1. My nephew has been battling schizophrenia since he was 19. He also has bipolar disorder. He’s now 30 years old. He’s been smoking marijuana …


Can I get a medical card in a state that THC is not legally available?

"I live in SC but have my epileptic, bipolar, ADHD son on CBD and I personally take CBD for both fibromyalgia and vestibular migranes but …


Is It Safe To Use CBD Oil While Nursing?

“I would like to keep using a CBD oil that does not contain any THC while breastfeeding. Does CBD pass through to the milk and …


In Need Of Doctors Thoughts On Bipolar treatment with cannabis

"Hi I have bipolar and my doctor told me I could explore the use of medical cannabis by myself because he only believes in pills …


If I'm bipolar and use marijuana will this make my condition better or worse?

"So far, I’ve used pot successfully to deal with my anxiety and insomnia." This is a difficult question to answer, because their is little research …


Does Marijuana Help or Hurt People With Bipolar Disorder?

Cannabis is used to manage so many conditions that it’s only natural to wonder if it can help people with bipolar disorder. The answer, however, …


Terpenes That Augment the Healing Power of Cannabis

The two most well-known components of cannabis are THC and CBD, but there are many more important compounds in this valuable plant. So far, 480 …

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