

Is testosterone breaking me out?

"I am a female, age 25, and I smoke weed daily). I believe the testosterone is breaking me out, but I really do not want …


Effective Strains for Back Pain

Many varieties of cannabis are helpful for back pain. Indica strains generally are more suited to treat pain, while sativas have more cerebral effects. CBD …


Exeffor xr and cannibis

"My wife is on 225 mg dose of exeffor and is using two strains of cannibis one is a daytime which has less than 1% …


How does the Evoxe vape pen recycling pen actually work?

"Do I send them back to you or drop them off at a local dispensary?" Hi there! Please check out our article that will tell …


My mom has back pain and she's borderline diabetic , I hear that cannabis oil can help with diabetes

Yes, cannabidiol (CBD oil) does show good results in helping stabilize the blood sugar and improves the way the body deals with carbohydrates as well …


I am having spine nerve pain that teaches into my left leg and knee and is quite severe.

"Is their a CBD oil/vap product that could help this condition?" Yes cannabis is very helpful for neuropathic pain. I would try a sublingual tincture …


Can you be on an ssri inhibitor (antidepressant- namely Celexa) and cannabis?

"Do the two react positively? I weaned myself off the Celxa four months ago and now am feeling huge anxiety, OCD, panic attacks and depression. …


Can I get medical marijuana card in Virginia ?

"If so, what are the qualifying conditions, and what type of cannabis can I access? " Unfortunately, the passage of the law HB1445 within your …


First time using a topical cream for pain.

"I cannot tolerate any strong prescription pain meds. I have bought a topical compound of EMU cream with 120CBD, 60MG THC and used it on …


How long does it take before CBD will start relieving by back and knee pain?

For most, the effects of CBD, when inhaled, are noticed instantly. If you are not noticing any difference, I would recommend raising your dose of …


Will this help with my back ache in my upper shoulders?

Cannabis can do a great deal of good for your back ache and upper shoulders. I would definitely recommend vaping! Kurvana is my favorite brand. …


Hi – I have dosing questions re. Care By Design 18:1 sublingual spray

"I recently started using Care by Design 18:1 sublingual spray for bad headache and neck/upper back pain due to pinched nerves in my neck. Can …

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