

I had a ct scan and show my cancer back.

"How much cannabis oil do I use and when will see results?" Find a good source of rick simpson oil from a trusted supplier and …


will come back later. How do I get started?


Is there a recommendation of a type/brand for fibro and back pain?

"I’m not looking to get high, just pain relief. I’m new at this." Hello there! Fibromyalgia is a tough illness to deal with but also …


Changes in Dream habits?

"I know it’s well known the cannabis use can stop dreaming, or make it very hard to recall dreams. But, now, as I use more …


best product for back pain

Sorry, to hear about your back pain it would be helpful to have more information. Do you have Degenerative disc disease, have you had surgery, …


I have cannabis oil, I need to know what to mix it with to massage onto my husband's painful back?

Well depending on the cannabis oil, it is often mixed with a carrier like coconut oil. If it has a label you may want to …


Now that florida has passed medical will i qualify?

"Have had 2 failed back surgeries within the last year, upcoming L-5 fusion, signs of arthritis already, nerve damage. I’m on all the normal meds …


I'm in PA, I had back fusion and have chronic pain, PA seems late to this. What can I do?

Pennsylvania has enacted a Medical Cannabis Program, but it is not yet operational. From reading the NORML site, it appears that reciprocity (a medical cannabis …


I've got lower back pain due to menstruation and i'm wondering in CBD can help with that.

"looking for possible MG dosage im 130 pounds 5’3 tall." First, everyone reacts to CBD and cannabis differently. However, we have seen improvement at 2-5 …


Best strain for lower back pain?

You should look into tinctures and/or edibles. Smoking cannabis has a 4-6 hour bioavailability while ingesting cannabis or CBD products provides longer relief. Also, cannabis …


I am using a cream which is not helping my back pain, is there another product I can try?

Where are you located? If near Petaluma you could try one of our pain relieving salves, it works great on back pain. Hope you feel …


Cannabis recommendations for anxiety and back pain?

"I have been approved to buy medical use cannibas but I don’t know where to start. I suffer from anxiety and lower back pain (bad), …

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