

What is most effective product for sedation?

"I am a 66 year old male, 170 lbs. I have some health issues including essential hyperteinsion, depression, insomnia. I was diagnosed with MONO in …


Should I Stop Taking Cannabis if I’m Trying to Conceive?

Cannabis legalization means more and more people are able to take marijuana medicinally and recreationally. But as cannabis consumption increases, many are wondering what affect …


How do I find out if I will be drug tested during pregnancy and whether my baby will be tested at birth?

"Where do I find out how I’m drug tested while pregnant (and my baby at birth) for marijuana? I am only using CBD currently, but …


Can child services take away a newborn baby if the mother used medical marijuana while pregnant?

CPS retains the rights to remove a newborn baby if they determined that the child might be harmed in any manner while under your care …


If you use a THC/CBD infused bath while pregnant does THC/CBD get to your baby?

In theory, if cannabis is against your skin for a length of time, small amounts could soak into the bloodstream, which would then cross into …


I have an inflammed bladder due to paxil withdrawal.

"I am trying to get off of Paxil, for the third time, to have a baby. I have inflammation of bladder. I never had this …


I am pregnant and was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). I cannot stop vomiting.

"My midwife is recommending marijuana. Can this be harmful to my baby? Should I smoke it or is there a safer way? I’ll do anything …

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