

5 Healthy, Tasty Snacks for When You Get the Munchies

If you consume cannabis, you’re probably quite familiar with the munchies. This well-known phenomenon happens just as you’re beginning to feel the benefits of cannabis …

Alzheimer's Disease

What Is Delta-8 THC & What’s It Good for?

When people talk about the effects of cannabis, they sometimes discuss the plant as if it were only made up of one chemical. In reality, …


3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Appetite Answered

Most movies and TV shows portray cannabis consumers as couch potatoes with the munchies, eating less-than-healthy fare all night long. And most cannabis consumers know …


The Science Behind How Cannabis Can Boost Your Appetite

Getting “the munchies” is a famous side effect of marijuana—and for many consumers, that just means grabbing an extra bag of potato chips or making …


What is best for stimulating appetite and curtailing nausea? My sister in law has an intense form of cancer .

Hi there! I’m sorry to hear about your sister-in-law’s condition. Please check out this previously answered question and these articles on the subject: Loss of …


What is the best type of cannabis to increase appetite?

"Young man with a brain tumor pressing on his pituitary gland, has no appetite, losing weight rapidly." Below is a link to a Q&A from …


What would I take for undiagnosed flu like symptoms, with no appetite and severe insomnia?

Masking symptoms without knowing the cause of the symptoms is a recipe for disaster. It is always in your best interest to seek the care …


Would CBD be a good option for nausea and to help with appetite?

"Any Doctor’s advise would be greatly appreciated, Thank you. " Hello, and thank you for the great question. There is some preliminary research which suggests …


What is the best type of cannabis for multiple sclerosis patients?

" I need something that helps with pain, relaxation, appetite, and sleep. " Hi there, There have been many promising studies done with Sativex, a …


What marijuana product is best for improving appetite?

Both CBD and THC are potent medications for patients experiencing cachexia or wasting syndrome. Start with a 1:1 ratio and work closely with your local …


What is the best Tincture for appetite and nausea?

Hello! While I’m not able to make specific product recommendations, I can recommend that an olive oil based tincture made primarily with THC could help …


What is the best marijuana tincture to alleviate nausea and stimulate appetite?

We have a number of High THC tinctures that are helpful with nausea and can stimulate appetite. Most are Indica strains and with tinctures you …

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