

I am looking for a CBD product that will aid in my anxiety reduction.

"My paychiatrist currently has me on Zoloft, Ambien, and Lorazepam (when needed). It’s not working. Any suggestions? Side note: I live in Texas so my …


Can I use CBD oil with ambien?

Cannabis is an extremely safe herb that has virtually no interactions with other drugs. I would excercise caution when using ambien, it can cause some …


I've heard conflicting reports on whether a CBD-dominant product is really best for sleep.

"In my case, too much THC actually keeps me up. Can I ‘mute’ that in some way with CBD? Looking for Ambien replacements…" Try a …


help increasing dosage and balancing edible and tincture for treating insomnia – need to speak to the doctor

"Last night was my first night using edible and tincture combination to get to sleep and stay asleep. I didn’t use enough and had to …

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