

I have a blood platelet deficiency( von Willebrand).

"I don’t take advil or alleve. Is this ok to use " Hi there! That product would be an excellent choice to try. Due to …


Do CBDs cause thinning of the blood?

"I had to get a colonoscopy, and my doctor said to stop taking blood thinners before the procedure. He sent a list of blood thinners …


If I took Advil in the afternoon, is it safe for me to take CBD oil in the evening?

"Hello! I’ve been starting on 24:1 CBD oil with a single drop at night for the last 3 days. I had to take some Advil …


Can I take CBD tincture with diabetes medication and ibuprofen?

"I’d like to use a 20:1 CBD:THC tincture. Is it best to use in the morning?" Yes, you can continue your diabetes medication and ibuprofen. …


Can I take Motrin with cannabis?

Since hi CVD Cannabis or juicing the raw buds for THCA, the strongest anti-inflammatory you can take, why consider Motrin? Please, review Motrin’s known side …


Is it OK to take ibuprofen when you are taking CBD?

Yes, you can take Ibuprofen with your CBD products, but most people do not have to as it works as an anti-inflammatory in itself. drb


Recommendations for S/I joint pain and psoas/illiacus pain?

"I have had 3 spinal injections and am feeling a bit desperate, due to severe psoas/illiacus pain when I wake up (3-4 hours) and ongoing …


CBD Oil in North Carolina

"I’ve had migraines for many years, and they’ve gotten progressively worse. They are now interfering with my work and personal life. My husband and children …


Pain in feet and insomnia, low tolerance

"Hello! I have 5 fused vertebra, and I just found out hte "pain" in my feet is likely nerve pain from the spinal fluid pushing …


can I take advil and/or Tylenol with Codeine in addition to 20 CBD:1THC capsules?

Cannabis is a very safe herb with no potential for overdose or toxic effects. You may be able to decrease your intake of tylenol and …


Should I stop taking CBD 1:1 oil before prolotherapy injection?

"I’m having a prolotherapy injection in a couple of weeks in my hip. It says to stop taking all anti inflammatories like advil, aspirin, ibuprofen …


What strain of edible Cannibas works good for pinch nerve relieve?

"I wanted to see what works good for nerve pain relieve. I’m not a smoker but I do eat the edible indica Strains. The nerve …

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