

My allergist says that cannabis is cross reactive to latex. Do you have anything to add to this discussion?

Tobacco, tomato and latex are considered cross-reacting allergens to cannabis. Cross-reactivity occurs when the proteins of one substance are similar to the proteins in another. …


How would I find the right dosing for ADHD?

"I have been diagnosed with adult ADHD and take Vivance 70mg in the morning and Addreall 10mg in the afternoon some times if I am …


Need an immediate call back 2 add my husband as caretaker 4 Pat Hargis 707-479-5225 set up yesterday


How does CBD oil help children with ADHD & Autism?

Studies pertaining specifically to CBD oil and ADHD or Autism are not yet available, however studies regarding the aforementioned conditions and Cannabis in general do …


What cannabis strains are the best for cognitive improvement?

"I have multiple sclerosis and ADHD. " This might be article on talks about different strains for ADHD and clarity. PiantaTinta


Can the oil help with my adhd


I suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), would smoking marijuana help me focus?

Hello! Before answering, there would be a couple questions with which I would want clarification. When were you formally diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD and what …


What are the long term effects of daily cannabis use?

"I use edibles and tinctures for insomnia I am wondering if you know of any studies or have information about the long term effects of …


Can I add someone to pick up my medicine

At the time of the medical cannabis interview, your medical caretaker must be present at the same time and then a car can be issued …


Using cannabis tincture for ADHD focus and tolerance…

"My son has ADHD/sleeping problems and we have tried normal drugs in both the stimulant and depressive category with no positive results. We are now …


Will 100% CBD help with arthritis and ADHD?

Hi there, I’m not a Dr but i’ve seen CBD topical’s do wonders for a handful of cannabis patients. My neighbor suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis …


How likely is it the Nys will add anxiety to the list for medical marijuana?

NY State’s medical Cannabis program is dissapointingly restrictive and only allows doctors to reccomend oral cannabis products for ALS, cancer, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Huntington’s Disease, Inflammatory …

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