Would you recommend medical marijuana for social anxiety?

Not really! If you are feeling kinda funky in the first place and a little awkward it can add to that anxiety if you haven’t been a regular user. Just my little old opinion I’m not a doctor. It makes me want to go outdoors and experience nature…just simple nature. The wind on your face, the smell of the air and the crisp cold air in the night time. A more natural setting is better to find social ease…then work your way inside to a larger audience. Baby steps. I am sure you are very interesting to talk to! Just keep smiling!!!


I would suggest trying a CBD product for social anxiety. I have a few members that have social anxiety and when they know they are going to be in a social situation that might create stress, they take CBD and it has worked wonders for them!! They are more relaxed and have a better sense of overall wellbeing…CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is non-psychoactive and can be used during the day. Tinctures are a great way to start, you can be consistent with dosing.


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