Will marijuana help my anxiety and depression?

Anxiety can certainly have a very large impact on your daily life!

I would recommend trying CBD products to alleviate your anxiety. I have had much success with my own anxiety with CBD cannabis. Since I have started taking some CBDs daily, it really has improved my daily wellness and I would recommend anyone with anxiety to at least try these products. From my experiences and from the reports coming out, there is almost no risk to trying these meds and the side effects are very manageable if you even notice any.

I would recommend trying a CBD vaporizer pen if you are not opposed to inhaling your cannabis, otherwise try an all CBD edible. THC products can still be very relaxing, but I always mix mine with some CBDs. If you want any specific product recommendations, just comment on this message!


Yes cannabis can be very helpful for anxiety. I would try small amounts of vaporized cannabis or sublingual tincture. The paranoid anxious feeling that can occur while using cannabis can be quite distressing, especially in individuals not accustomed to it. Be sure to use cannabis and other psychoactive substances in a safe and familiar set and setting. Cannabis and other psychoactive plants can cause a change in the perception of "reality" and our own indivual "seperateness" from the totality of existence. This can either be a joyus experience of the one-ness that is, or a terrifying experience of our own ego and sense of self wanting to maintain this perceived seperation. Meditation techniques, such as conscious breathing, and repeating mantras can be helpful, as can other plant compounds such as CBD. Rest assured that cannabis is very safe, and that you are simply experiencing a different perception of "reality".


Hi there! Please check out our article on the best cannabis strains for treating anxiety: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/top-10-high-cbd-marijuana-strains-for-anxiety


Yes, typically you will obtain relief within a month of starting super high CBD, low THC cannabis tincture administered twice daily as a MCT oil tincture placed under the tongue. Your dose may need to be adjusted if you have not started to sense relief by the third week. The first week the dose should be spread out through the day to reduce any risk of dropping the blood pressure rapidly. By the second week the blood pressure should be stabilized and that’s when the CBD tincture dose typically can be given in two doses. You will not be high with the CBD cannabis as long as it has low THC and that is why you do not sense the medication even though it is working. Please, be aware that high THC may increase your anxiety level, so if you do use Sativa cannabis always have some of the high CBD, low THC tincture available and in case of anxiety, you may always add one to 2 drops of CBD that will likely calm your anxiety.


Some evidence suggests that CBD oil may be an effective intervention for the ongoing management of anxiety disorders.
Though studies haven’t examined the effects of chronic CBD administration in humans, most have documented the effects of acute administration. Acute administration is associated with a significant anxiolytic effect (as compared to a placebo)
I like patients to try a nightly dose that helps them to fall asleep at a "decent" time and get good quality sleep. When you sleep, the body makes Human Growth Hormone which is the heal and repair hormone of the body. Good sleep also helps good production of morning cortisol, which can help you manage daily stressors.
Also, checking vitamin levels, sometimes gene testing, and exercising, all work together for a good and stable mood.


For what it’s worth, I use it to take my mind off my MS and its inevitable conclusion (struggling for breath with lungs that no longer work). In this way, once I’ve imbibed, my mind is distracted and I end up doing things like this (instead of thinking about death, etc.) Works for me.


Cannabis has the ability to alleviate both anxiety and depression. However, strain, cultivation, dosage, cannabinoid content and delivery methods are all important factors, which can contribute to either an increase or decrease in your symptoms.

Strain: Sativa dominant strains high in THC and low in other functional cannabinoids can tend to exacerbate anxiety. We’ve found that a nice balanced hybrid strain with a high CBD content can be extremely beneficial. Our current Cannatonic strain has 11% CBD and 11% THC and many people love it for its uplifting and balancing effect. Strains higher in the terpene limonene can also help alleviate depression – examples are Jack Herer, Pineapple Nectar, Lemon OG and Black Jack.

Cultivation: Seek out organically sun grown cannabis as it tends to be lower in THC with a more balanced or "full spectrum" cannabinoid profile (which ultimately will help bring your body and mind into balance with more ease). This is medicine and it should be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Dosage & Delivery: Start slow. It takes relatively low amounts of cannabinoids to effect your mood, and we find that micro-dosing over longer periods of time seems to have far greater benefit than higher doses taken less often. If you’re going to smoke or vaporize, try starting with just a small puff or two and then waiting an hour or so to gauge it’s effect on your state of mind. If you feel any increase in anxiety or paranoia, you should try a different strain.

We make micro-dosed herbal elixirs specifically for the purpose of easing stress and anxiety. They have a full spectrum of beneficial cannabinoids blended with other herbs which can be taken daily.


I would recommend Jack Herer (sativa) strain for the anxiety & trying a CBD oil for your nausea. Also, for the neck pain – Try a cannabis topical, you can rub it right on where it hurts.

I hope this was helpful!

  • Nurit


I concur with the doctors that recommended CBD. I’ve found that the bioavailability of a sublingual is far more effective that vaporizing or smoking anything. I also echo the comments about how THC can contribute to anxiety. I’ve had fabulous results with Hemp oil.


I concur with the doctors that recommended CBD oil. I’ve found that the bioavailability of a sublingual is far more effective that vaporizing or smoking anything. I also echo the comments about how THC can contribute to anxiety. I’ve had fabulous results with Hemp oil.


This is a complicated question. I concur w/ Dr. Vanderveer that state of mind when taking cannabis products can make a difference in whether there is effective mood management. I also think that mindfulness can be a great tool in helping pts manage anxiety and mood states ( I refer my pts to LiveAndDare.com which serves as an "intro" into mindfulness/ meditation types and allows pts to also further research meditation tools they can also find on youtube). However, as my work w/ mental health practitioners can attest, treating anxiety and/ or depression is most often a multi-modal affair. Depending on the severity of your anxiety & depression, you might also need tools like behavioral talk therapy (CBT–> cognitive behavioral therapy, DBT–> dialectic behavioral the4apy) and many of my patients also do well by adding a low dose antidepressant in addition to the moderate cannabis use. So once again to sum up, cannabis can be very useful in treating anxiety and depression. However, in my experience it is a tool best used with a host of other tools. You can also check out the Anxiety Depression Association of America website (ADAA.org) for more information. I hope this helps out and if you have further question, please shoot them my way!



Medical cannabis can be helpful in treating insomnia. Chronic sleeplessness is often a symptom of another condition rather than a primary condition. For illnesses like cancer or fibromyalgia, the severe pain’s keeping patients awake. Not only can medicinal marijuana treat insomnia, but also its therapeutic benefits can reduce the symptoms associated with illnesses, such as pain, inflammation, and pressure, that can keep patients awake. It allows people to be more comfortable so they can get a good night’s sleep.

The endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for medicinal marijuana’s effect, has been known to play a part in sleep regulation. Some scientists believe that a dysfunctional endocannabinoid system may be the cause of insomnia, which is why many believe that medicinal marijuana can effectively treat insomnia.Cannabinoid treatment of insomnia has proven successful through the administration of cannabis high in THC. Studies have shown the administration of 20 mg of THC to be successful, while 30 mg of THC to be less effective, suggesting their is an optimal dose for proper interaction of the endocannabinoid and phytocannabinoid systems. When using medical cannabis for insomnia, it is important to keep in mind which strain to use. Most patients find that Indica strains are more relaxing with a pronounced sedative quality.

The evaluation of medical marijuana for depression is still in its early stages. Right now, researchers share that possible benefits include the restoration of “normal” endocannabinoid function and mood stabilization, however so far scientific research suggests that marijuana is probably not the best treatment option for depression.


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