Will eating cannabis in different forms be as effective for mania?

Personally, I would highly discourage any patient who has mania from doing edible cannabis because you want to monitor your response to THC and CBD’s to find what dose you need to take to control your symptoms. Ultimately you will learn what dose is the perfect dose for you and that would be impossible to measured in edibles because we don’t know how your digestion and absorption function. If you did cannabis for recreational purposes, not medical, it would be okay to do edibles but your medical condition can be very serious and needs to be controlled. You need hi CBD’s and once you have calmed down on high CBD’s, you may bring in Indica at night for sleep or you could do Sativa after work and take CBD for sleep after Sativa. You do want complete control over your medical situation and CBD should be the answer since too much THC could manifest mania symptoms.


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