Will California state's 01/01/18 recreational cannabis regulatory requirements be postponed?

This is a broad question so I’m not 100% sure how to answer. Dispensaries with recreational licenses will be allowed to sell cannabis to those 21 yrs and older starting Jan. 1. However, not every dispensary will have a rec license. Furthermore, some cities and counties are not allowing recreational sales at all. In this sense, nothing is getting postponed; some places are just not ready to sell rec and some may never be willing to. This article goes into more detail about legalization: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/5a259069100a820006562eb6/will-california-be-ready-for-recreational-marijuana

If you want some clarification on how medical marijuana recommendations will be affected by Jan. 1, this article goes more into that: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/5a302030100a820006562ebf/why-youll-still-need-a-medical-recommendation-after-jan-1

Danielle Lim

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