"Reciprocity meaning: if you have a card from a different state, you can use your card in a state with reciprocity laws. "
Ultimately, you will need to get a new card. Arizona has a reciprocity law which recognizes out-of-state card for those visiting the state or those who have resided in AZ less than 30 days. So, temporarily your CA out-of-state registration card has the same force and effect as a card issued in Arizona. There is a notable exception, however, that states that visiting qualifying patient may not purchase medical marijuana in Arizona. To be on the safe side, make sure to visit a AZ licensed doctor before you have spent your 30 days in AZ and get an AZ medical marijuana recommendation.
Currently, 28 states have medical cannabis laws in place. Typically, you must get a medical recommendation for the state you either reside in, or are physically in at the time you meet with the doctor. Many patients wonder if they have recommendation from their current state, will it be recognized by the state they move to or are visiting. Happily, some states have reciprocity laws in place, and more are coming on board. Here’s a quick roundup of those that currently recognize out-of-state medical marijuana recommendations:
Arizona: AZ recognizes medical marijuana recommendations issued in other states, but they don’t allow out-of-state patients to visit their state-licensed marijuana dispensaries. This means that as long as you have a medical marijuana recommendation from your home state, you will not need to worry about having your cannabis confiscated, but you won’t be able to purchase any more (legally) while you’re there. Arizona’s patient personal possession limit is 2.5 ounces of cannabis.
Maine: ME is friendly to visiting medical marijuana card holders. Visitors with valid recommendations from their home state can ‘engage in conduct authorized for the registered patient’ for 30 days after entering the state without being required to get a Maine medical cannabis recommendation. Visiting qualifying patients from out of state are not authorized to purchase marijuana from a dispensary in ME. Maine’s patient personal patient limit is 2.5 ounces of cannabis.
Michigan: Technically, Michigan has reciprocity. A key thing to keep in mind is that the other state, district or territory of the U.S. must offer reciprocity to have reciprocity in Michigan. MI’s patient possession limit is 2.5 ounces of usable cannabis.
Nevada: NV’s has a medical marijuana program and recognizes medical cannabis recommendations from other states. The patient possession limits is 2.5 ounces and/or maximum allowable quantity of edible cannabis products and cannabis-infused products.
New Hampshire: NH recognized out-of-state medical marijuana recommendations. Out of state patients may not purchase from New Hampshire dispensaries, but are legally able to possess marijuana for medical reasons if they have entered the state with it. New Hampshire’s patient possession limit is 2 ounces, and patients must be authorized by their home state for one of the same qualifying medical conditions that are permitted by NH’s cannabis laws.
Pennsylvania: PA has reciprocity if the recommendation was legally obtained in another state. Unfortunately, although Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana law was signed in 2016, it is not yet operational. PA’s patient possession limit is a 30-day supply and only cannabis-infused oils, topicals, tinctures, or liquids are allowed.
Rhode Island: Yes, RI has reciprocity with other states. The patient must have been authorized to use medical cannabis for a debilitating medical condition, and must have a registry identification card (or its equivalent), to legally used medical marijuana. Rhode Island’s patient possession limit is 2.5 ounces of marijuana.
While Hawaii is supposed to offer reciprocity (allowing patients from other states to access medical cannabis while visiting Hawaii), they do not have any collectives open yet, due to finalizing testing and tracking.
With that said, I believe that Maui is on track to open the first collective sometime this summer.
Several states in the US have reciprocity, meaning that they might be able to honor medical cannabis reccomedations from other states. This might mean a patient can purchase cannabis in that state, or it might mean they cannot purchase cannabis but would be able to use cannabis legally. The states with reciprocity are Arizona, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. Of course it always helps to have a valid doctor’s reccomendation in any state or country, as this would show a medical use for cannabis. Having a medical use for cannabis may lessen criminal penalties, by influencing the mind of a judge or jury.
Interesting but where is the rest of the story? What happened when you tried to use your California card in those States?