Which is better for intimacy, THC or CBD?

"I often use both THC and CBD in my daily life and have used both in the bedroom but I’m curious which one will supply the best results”

Charles A.

There is a long-time history of cannabis and sex working together. Many people may not think about cannabis enhancing their sex lives. For years, many cannabis users have sworn that the plant helps with their sexual stamina and improves sexual sensations.

THC is the most well-known cannabinoid found in marijuana plants and can benefit various medical and recreational uses. THC is often associated with its psychoactive properties and is predominant in most strains on the market. It is important to remember that too much THC can actually kill sexual desire or cause anxiety and even paranoia. For some men, too much THC can cause erectile dysfunction; that said, the right amount can enhance sexual experiences; it’s trial and error.

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. CBD lacks the psychoactive effects of THC because it does not bind with the same receptors in the endocannabinoid system. CBD can be a great addition to your sexual encounters as it can help you and your partner relax. Sex can certainly come with many problems, but luckily CBD can help with many of them. CBD lowers anxiety which can be a primary reason for sexual difficulties; it can relieve pain which is another common issue during sex. CBD can ramp up your pleasure as it increases pleasurable sensations.

If you’re looking to bring down the heat once the magic has played out, a CBD-dominant tincture or hybrid strain such as Charlotte’s Web could be great options for relaxing cuddles. Finding a proper dose can be done by experimenting with THC: CBD ratios.

THC strains can help you bring up the volume in the bedroom. You may consider Indica-hybrid strains that promote arousal, euphoria, and feeling uplifted, such as Northern Lights. There are many different consumption methods to consider for those special nights. Maybe you want to enjoy a joint while watching late-night movies, pass around a vape pen, or make a DIY-infused recipe with one another for some unique homemade edibles. Another great way to incorporate cannabis into your sex life is with some out-of-this-world THC-infused lubes. Topical lubes do not get you high, but the sensations you will feel in both partners’ nether regions will be unforgettable.

While THC can help build up euphoria and desire for sex, CBD can be perfect once you’re wrapped up in the sheets and looking to wind down. It’s up to each individual to decide which works better!

Olivia S.

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