Where did your name come from?

Unfortunately we cannot. We are not far enouh advanced in our compassion for treating our pets with even CBD products. Have you considered making your own at home with a CBD strain of medical marijuana? I understand Canada has marijuana laws in place. Even IF your furry child should happen to get a smidgen of THC, the very most that will happen to your fur baby is they might enjoy the colors in carpet fibers for a few hours. Definitely do NOT make it ฤ chocolate, but ฤ an organic homemade sweet potato, pumpkin, or squash doggie biscuit recipe.


The story behind โ€œMoonManโ€™s Mistressโ€

An astronaut or โ€œMoonManโ€ must be in peak physical and mental condition to perform a mission successfully. He is a leader who leads from the front – disciplined, poised, battle-tested and always ready. These characteristic traits are in line with Co-Founder Jamel Ramiro, veteran of the US Army, NASM certified personal trainer, Muay Thai/Boxing coach and devoted surfer. He lives a healthy lifestyle devoted to educate, empower and harness the potential of those he crosses paths with.

The โ€œMistressโ€ represents a woman free from the rules and confines of society, one who goes against the grain and dances to the beat of her own drum. Though considered taboo, she is a free flowing caretaker. Strong and powerful in the shadows, she is a nurturer providing hidden pleasures just like that of cannabis and nutrient dense food. This is a play on Co-Founder Liz Rudnerโ€™s personality and her quest to heal people through the medicinal benefits of food while making healthy taste delicious.

Inspired to feed mind and body, they are MoonManโ€™s Mistress – Mildly dosed artisanal edibles crafted for healing, performance, and recovery.


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