What type of marijuana works best for neuropathic pain?

"I have had peripheral neuropathy for the last two years. I have burning pain in both feet that never stops. Would cannabis relieve my pain? If so, where do I start? "

Try cannabis with a high level of CBD as opposed to THC. There are a variety of edibles and materials to smoke. I have the same thing as you, except from the waist down. I just got off opioids (they don’t work so don’t go there). Was on Opana ER 60 mg for years. Felt like a damn addict and hated it. Took me 8 months to taper off and I actually feel better. I also take Lyrica 300 mg X 2 daily and that really seems to help.(they will tell you to take generic, I did, didn’t help. The first Lyrica I took was amazing in that something help dull the pain).
There are a number of strains of cannabis including edibles or lozenges. I’m currently trying Cannatonic and Om Shiv (AC/DC) in oil and a dabbing material (sticky like honey). Depending on your local shop start their. It really takes your pain away, like gone, for 2-3 hours depending on quantity. First time I was basically pain free in 16 years.


Cannabis is very effective in treating neuropathic pain. I would try a sublingual tincure with CBD and THC in various ratios. You may also try topical creams and ointments that will not cause psychoactive effects.
A study recently published in "The Journal of Pain" showed promise for treating neuropahty with inhaled cannabis. In July 2015 Volume 16, Issue 7, Pages 616โ€“627 "Efficacy of Inhaled Cannabis on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy"
Authored by Mark S. Wallace, Thomas D. Marcotte, Anya Umlauf, Ben Gouaux, Joseph H. Atkinson
A randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled crossover study was conducted in 16 patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy to assess the short-term efficacy and tolerability of inhaled cannabis. In a crossover design, each participant was exposed to 4 single dosing sessions of placebo or to low (1% tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]), medium (4% THC), or high (7% THC) doses of cannabis
This small, short-term, placebo-controlled trial of inhaled cannabis demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain in patients with treatment-refractory pain. This adds preliminary evidence to support further research on the efficacy of the cannabinoids in neuropathic pain.


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