RLS is is a neurological disorder that about 10% of the US population suffer from. I have personally found relief by taking a high CBD tincture daily. We suggest taking 2 sprays of Absorb CBD tincture, which is made from the ACDC strain, twice daily for prevention. It’s a 20-25:1 ratio so there’s no "high" effect. This product is also great for anxiety and tastes delicious. Occasionally, that creepy, irritating need to move my legs does sneak in, such as after a really long day, but I can usually stop it by taking an extra dose of CBD via tincture or topical application. Before taking a long flight, I take extra dose of CBD by slathering it on my legs topically with Absorb CBD topical oil. It smells nice and has no cannabis odor. You can purchase Absorb CBD tinctures and topicals at www.Octaviawellness.com