What kind of topical or product should I use for my condition?

"I have an autoimmune disease called eosinophillic fasciitis. It is a tightening of the fascia in my hands and lower legs with joint and bone pain. What type of topical or other product would be best to use?"

I’m not a doctor but I do use topicals regularly for sore muscles and nerve pain. I talk to many people in the industry and their is plenty of anecdotal evidence that topicals help for different kinds of localized pain. I am going to point you to a couple of recent articles on our site that talk about topicals at the end.

If you live in CA. two topicals I would recommend would be Sweet ReLeaf and Xternal.
Xternal is widely available in dispensaries across CA as well as other legal states and within CA you can purchase on SweetReLeaf’s site. I also like high CBD, low THC bath soaks, which for me are highly effective.
Their are a number of bath soak brands out there and I purchase mine on GetSava.com.

As with all cannabis products, the response is individual and what might work for one person may not work for another. The great thing about topical a is that they are not psychoactive after application.

Here are two topical article links I hope you find helpful:


Hope this helps!


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