What is the medical theory behind the new Explore product, and have you done any testing?

"I don’t mean safety testing, I mean efficacy testing to show that it works for the intended purpose."

Foria Explore contains 60mg THC and 10mg CBD, isolated from hemp, in the form of a rectal suppository with the aim of making anal intercourse more comfortable and pleasurable. This is the third in their line of sexual health products and is similar to Foria relief, a vaginal suppository designed to aid in menstrual cramping. Because cannabis is an analgesic with anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic (muscle relaxing) qualities, it follows that Explore may help relax sphincter tone and decrease pain. Activation of pelvic endocannabinoid receptors may also enhance sensation. You may want to contact Foria directly to inquire what sort of testing was underwent in the development of their product.


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