What is the daily dosage of Treatwell 1:1 tincture for a 10 pd cat with cancer?

Hi there! There’s a great dosing guide for this product on the Sava website.

"All animals (like humans) respond differently to cannabis. So we suggest starting with a very low doses at night and then slowly ramping up to their MED (medium effective dose). Dosing twice a day with meals is usually most effective. A good dosing point for mild issues is 1mg of cannabinoids per 25 lb body weight."

Source: https://www.getsava.com/shop/1-1-cbd-thc-for-pets/

If you have more questions, you can contact Treatwell here: https://treatwellhealth.com/contact-us/


I’m sorry to hear about your cat! We’ve found observationally that adding THCA and CBDA along w/ the 1:1 for cancer patients (both animals and humans) really seems to increase the effectiveness. You can contact us directly at info@treatwellhealth.com for more specific advice.


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