What is the best ratio and dosage of CBD and THC for my cancer?

"I don’t want to feel high, but I do want to feel better that I currently do."

Can you tell me why the 12:1 CBD/THC ratio was not recommended for you? I have done some research that suggests that too high of a THC ratio can proliferate Estrogen Positive cancer. I’ve read a couple of websites that suggest a 3:1 CBD/THC ratio is better, however, there is not a lot of information about it. Has your girlfiend been feeling better with the 1:1 ratio at all?


Contrary to what these professionals are saying I have seen cannabis bring several people back from hell using Rick Simpson oil in conjunction with Amber oil to cure cancer including My own dad & it’s been 11 years. She must do more than use the oil. She must also consume a high alkaline diet(check out Dr Sebi) as well as making your own butter and tinctures with them(comes out way cheaper) They have this great new machine called magical butter machine. Get it use it often & God Bless FYI DR SEBI CURED CANCER WAY BACK IN THE 90’s himself so if I was you I’d do some due diligence on the research tip. God Bless


Stage 2 prostate cancer, or cancer that has not grown outside the prostate capsule and have a higher PSA level then 10. As with stage I cancers, active surveillance is often a good option for men whose cancer is not causing any symptoms and who are elderly and/or have other serious health problems. Radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy (external beam or brachytherapy) may also be appropriate options.

Using THC or CBD oil and suppositories are unproven ways to treat prostate cancer. In other words there have never been human clinical trials using cannabis to treat prostate cancer. That being said, the other question would be is there any harm in using them? As far as I can tell the answer is no. The primary thing to remember is to be in contact and follow up with your urologist so that they can keep an eye on your condition and not to rely on any cannabis product to be the only modality to treat any type of cancer.

Perry Solomon, MD

I am sorry to hear that has occurred. There have been no studies on humans as to the effectiveness of cannabis to treat any type of cancer, including prostate cancer. There is anecdotal reports of patients who have used Rick Simpsons oil to help treat prostate cancer instead of having prostate surgery when the cancer is isolated to the prostate and not spread. I am sure that your urologist and oncologist have recommended treatment that they have found to be helpful when the cancer has spread to the bones. That being said, there is no downside to using cannabis if you are looking to some pain relief if the cancer is causing you bone pain. Using a 1:1 CBD/THC ratio may give you pain relief.

Perry Solomon, MD

Ideally, your wife should be in a research study because there is a lot happening right now regarding ovarian cancer.
Both THC and CBD appear to be toxic to cancer cells but obviously a lot more research needs to be done. The biggest problem with ovarian cancer is the development of resistance to the chemotherapy so lots of research is being done on immunotherapy but she can be on the cannabis oil or a tincture now.
Unfortunately, no one can tell you exactly how the Cannabis should be taken for optimal outcome. To be functional it makes sense to do CBD during the day when things have to be done and THC can be added when she does not have to drive or do business. CBD is great for stopping pain and inflammatory symptoms and it will calm anxiety and THC can give a nice uplift with a happy mood. CBD: THC in a 8:1 nonalcoholic tincture oral spray can work well in place of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and she will not be hi; 4:1 works well for inflammation and pain but it will be psychoactive; 2:1 is psychoactive but may really help her attitude relax yet allow her to get things done around the house like fixing a nice meal and being with the family.
I think anyone can use our full website but I am asking the office for clarity since I’m not 100% certain, I’m just one of the doctors here and I may not be aware if there’s a portion of the website that is unavailable for out-of-state clients.


I’m very sorry to hear of your health challenges. Your situation must be approached from many directions for true success. A high percentage of breast cancer cases our link to a deficiency of vitamin D and if the vitamin D level is not corrected you’re more likely to experience metastasis and if it’s still not corrected you have a higher risk of dying from vitamin D deficiency but it will be listed as breast cancer because most doctors do not know how to treat vitamin D deficiency. For optimal health your blood level of vitamin D must be above 50 ng/mL and that usually requires the supplements of about 10,000 international units of vitamin D3 per day.
Do high CBD low THC in a nonalcoholic tincture (my preference is medium chain triglyceride oil from coconut) 2 to 3 times per day for optimal support of your immune system, pain relief, anxiety and stress relief as well as protection for your cardiovascular and neurological systems. You will not feel psychoactive effects with high CBD cannabis but if you would like a psychoactive effect you can always add more THC.
Please read a book, "Sex, Lies and Menopause" by Wiley and Taguchi and consider a second opinion with Dr. Taguchi, who happens to have the longest live breast cancer patients because she re-balances their hormones with true bio identical’s to their 20 year old level of hormones proving that peaking the true bio identical estradiol and bio identical progesterone actually stimulate P 53 the guardian of your genome to cause involution of your cancer cells.
This does not mean that you forgo western treatment because that actually will be necessary but the cannabis will help you greatly and as soon as you are finished with your treatments you should consider starting on the Wiley protocol to keep the cancer from ever returning.
Good luck, you have a lot of reading ahead of you and lots of decisions to make but the high CBD cannabis will keep your brain sharp and focused helping you make your decisions.
Don’t hesitate to stop doctors if they try to put a lot of negative suggestions in your brain, You have the right to request that they stay on the positive side to help support you, and not break you down.


Both CBD and THC have demonstrated anti-proliferative activity in animal studies, however, there are no clinical trials to establish the optimal ratios of THC:CBD in treating cancer in humans. Most of the available literature is based on anecdotal evidence and recommends using a ratio with the maximum amount of THC that is tolerated. I would suggest starting with a THC:CBD ratio of 1:10 – 2.5mg THC: 25mg CBD and increasing that dose as tolerated. Realm of Caring recommends a CBD dose of 50mg twice daily. I have a patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma that has responded to this dose, which is very low when compared to the Rick Simpson protocol of 60 grams (60,000 mg). With high THC doses, the most significant side effects are going be mental impairment and possibly low blood pressure and heart rate that may cause dizziness, light headedness, or fainting. Also, I’d like to mention that European studies have shown that in animal models, CBDa, the acidic precursor to CBD has even higher anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activity than CBD.


You’re right that this is a very complicated and controversial issue and unfortunately, there is no clear cut answer.

Most evidence supports CBD as being a key anti-tumor agent in marijuana and has been acknowledged as such by the National Cancer Institute. The American Association of Cancer Research published a paper demonstrating that CBD inflicts programmed-cell death in breast cancer cells, regardless of Estrogen receptor positivity, while preserving normal breast cells.

THC also has anti-tumor properties and inhibits cell cycle progression in breast cancer cells. It has been said that THC may increase estrogen levels and may promote breast cancer growth in ER+ tumors, but there is not strong evidence to support this statement.

Unfortunately, much more research will need to be done before we can provide any clear guidance on what the "correct" ratio of CBD/THC might be (if there is one) for the treatment of specific types of cancer. I would approach it from a tolerance standpoint and also one that provides symptomatic relief of pain and/or treatment side effects. In general, this would mean a higher ratio of CBD/THC while at the same time minimizing psychoactive effects of THC.

It is true that the rectal suppositories provide greater bioavailability (upwards of 70%) than inhaled or ingested cannabis (approximately 20%).

Rick Simpson’s oil is a full-plant cannabis extract containing high amounts of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids. It differs from CBD-oil which is often extracted from hemp and contains (mostly) CBD. The theory behind Rick Simpson’s oil is to provide the patient with maximum possible amounts of all cannabinoids, in a more nature balance that is found in the plant. Another theory is that cannabinoids work synergistically, which would support the use of such a product.


I recently tried to answer a similar question for the treatment of stage 4 breast cancer… Unfortunately, there is not a defined ratio of CBD/THC nor known dosing that is optimal for different types of cancer. Both CBD and THC have anti-tumor properties and may work synergistically.

Rick Simpson’s oil has a high concentration of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids and has been touted as being effective not only because of these high concentrations but because it is a "whole-plant" extract.

Because THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, some patients don’t tolerate high concentrations of THC well. My general suggestion is to consider what is tolerable for any given patient on an individual basis and to focus on symptomatic relief of pain and/or side effects of treatment, including chemotherapy. Many patients have been able to tolerate chemotherapy much better while supplementing with cannabis.


We have been receiving a lot of questions similar to yours for a variety of different types of cancer, and appropriately so! You may want to refer to my answer to a couple questions recently on breast cancer and throat cancer, and Dr. Frye’s answer to one regarding brain cancer.

The bottom line is, there is no "best" ratio known. Clinical trials will need to be performed in humans to help us understand what ratios and/or dosages are most effective in different types of cancer. We do know that in-vitro studies have demonstrated both CBD and THC to have anti-tumor properties, and there is anecdotal evidence that certain patients have had cancer go into remission following cannabis therapy.

In general, I recommend dosing according to what an individual patient can tolerate, which usually is a high CBD/THC ratio, because THC in high doses can have undesirable effects for many patients. Also, many patients find that chemotherapy side effects are more tolerable when supplementing with cannabis. If you are going to be working and/or driving while undergoing cannabis therapy, I would strongly encourage you to avoid THC during these times for obvious safety reasons.


FECO or Full extract Cannabis Oil or Hash Oil, Hemp oil or Rick Simpson Oil has gained much attention as a potential treatment for many forms of cancer. Patients have shared their success stories in treating their cancer with this healing oil. Not only does FECO help patients deal with the side effects of conventional cancer treatment (nausea, poor appetite, vomiting, pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, to name a few), it also shows promise in helping to eliminate cancerous cells, prevent metastasis of exsiting cancer, and in preventing angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels that feed cancerous growth). With FECO dosing can be difficult, but from my experience it seems that more is better, and patients should try to ingest as much oil as possible, while remaining functional and comfortable. No potential for overdose exsists, but extreme psychoactive effects are often not desired. As much variability exsists in the quantities of THC and CBD, and in extraction techniques, it is best to start low and slow and gradually increase the dose as tolerance is built up.
Dosing should be three times a day, with the goal of about a gram a day, with the goal of ingesting at least 60 grams of oil in total. Each patient is different, and variability in the potency of the oil can be significant. As such, dosing should be optimized to each patient’s situation and goals.


In response to @scotter1 comments. While it is always thrilling to see that people have responded in some way to different treatments for cancer, breast or otherwise, it is very important to remember that cannabis has never been shown to "cure" cancer in humans. A "cure" by most definitions is cancer-free for 5 years. There have been many many anecdotal reports from people reporting this as well as labs, etc. The main point to remember that it is important consider using cannabis in any form, in conjunction with proven medical treatments when there are not reactions between the two.

The main difficulty in proving that cannabis works is the Schedule 1 label that cannabis has and the tremendous difficulty that surrounds having studies approved. And even when they are the results can be several years down the road. I applaud people who have the open mind to try cannabis to help treat their diseases but also do not want them to ignore, refuse or stop taking proven medical ones.

Perry Solomon, MD

I think CBD is better in higher ratio for cancer if all you are looking for is to kill cancer cells. I think THC helps manage some of the side effects though. check out projectcbd.org. I really believe in the power of this plant’s medicine. Also, reduce sugar and alkalize your body. Best of luck with your health.


At this point it is important to remember that part of what you are doing with cannabis is improving quality of life. The science is exciting but lacking in detail it can only be used to point you in the right direction. Your decisions will have to be based on something and your girlfriend’s ‘experience’ of the medicine can be part of your guide. What makes her feel better?

I recommend Uwe Blesching’s book: Cannabis Health Index https://cannabishealthindex.com/


CBD or cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound found in certain strains of cannabis that has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. Inflammation is the underlying cause of many diseases and conditions. Try tinctures with various ratios to see what works best for you. CBD has very different effects than THC, mainly because of the way it interacts with our endocannabinoid system. CBD works to increase the levels of our bodie’s own cannabinoids (endo-cannabinoids), by preventing their breakdown.


I am not a doctor so I can not comment on CBD vs THC for cancer cells. I would recommend that you read the following articles on Project CBD. I often refer to
Project CBD for articles on CBD and cancer:

There are many scientific studies that indicate CBD can inhibit cancer cell growth, but these are most often within lab rats or petri dishes. There is a lot of anecdotal story telling around CBD/THC stopping cancer in its tracks or putting it into remission, but these are not based on any clinical trials or concrete evidence (I do not stand agree or disagree with people’s experience). There are new studies underway and one in particular of interest is being done regarding cannabis in conjunction with traditional treatment methods on melanoma and can be viewed in this HelloMD news segment:

I can speak from my own experience that for inflammation a high CBD ratio tincture works very well. I typically consume a 20:1 2x a day for inflammation and I take a low dose of THC every day 2x a day of 2.5 mg which will not have any noticeable psychoactive effect but it does decrease anxiety.

To answer your question more specifically, I would be consuming both CBD and THC as both have systematic effects that may help you. This is called the entourage effect, in that they work together to create homeostasis within the body.

I hope this helps!


Since we have been profoundly handicapped in this country by not being able to do clinical trials regarding the benefits of cannabis, I don’t think anyone has a hard and fast rule around the best ratio of CBD to THC for brain cancer. We do know that CBD does stop some brain cancers and may protects the brain from further damage. The higher the concentration of CBD the more pervasive it is. Rick Simpson oil tends to be a 1:1 ratio but most of the stories of cancer cures are antidotal. I understand that clinical trials are being conducted in Israel so in the meantime consider using your cannabis to buy time in hopes that we will have a more definitive answer in the near future. Since activities are limited when using THC because you’re not allowed to be high in public, I think it is wise to take high CBD during the day and you can do more THC at home. Remember to always follow high THC with high CBD if you want to go to sleep because that will make an Indica in your body.


Unfortunately, there is no exact answer for this question. Many people will use Rick Simpson oil and overtime you will become adjusted to the high so you can function on a day-to-day basis. Chemical testing should have been performed on the oil if you buy it in California through a dispensary or delivery service. Both THC and CBD are toxic to cancer so I give patients the option of going on a super high CBD for daytime use along with RSO for afternoon and evening or CBD during the day and a Sativa in the afternoon returning to CBD at night. I think as long as you’re taking high-dose is of cannabis it does facilitate your immune system in reversing your disease state but until we can actually do clinical trials, keep in mind we are handicapped and all we can truly offer are antidotal stories. I’m certain you want more assurance than just an antidotal story. Most research is being done in Israel at this time but a few clinical trials have been started in the United States, I just can’t tell you if they involve your type of cancer.
Jeanne Achterberg taught us that imagery also works when you’re fighting cancer. When you take a dose of cannabis, Image that each drop is filled with millions of little, microscopic dogs that love you and their whole purpose in life is to help you live by running through your body and eating any cancer cells or cancer garbage they find especially since this is what dogs are good at, eating garbage and loving you for the opportunity. Keep your determination strong and you should be able to overcome the cancer and even buying a couple of years me produce profound benefits for you because our knowledge is increasing exponentially. I had one patient that was able to successfully stop her ovarian cancer by doing a medically supervised fast for 40 days but I’m not advising that for you, I am encouraging you to find what is going to work for you and believing it 100% and then allow it time to work. If you do high CBD, you will not feel the medicine for almost 3 weeks, don’t give up. You are in the battle that is worth fighting, I just wish we had more answers for you.


I am so sorry for anyone who has pancreatic cancer since my Father and his only sister both had pancreatic cancer so I have watched it first hand but that was more than 30 years ago and we have come a ways since then especially with cannabis. We have been lacking credible research studies but one research study has been started in Australia by Chris O’Brein Lifehouse that will study the effects of cannabis on pancreatic cancers.
Since all cancers involve inflammation, CBD or cannabidiol or THCa from juicing green cannabis buds may help to reduce inflammation there by giving relief from the pain and potential GI obstruction. In addition, I highly recommend the topical cannabis salve that is slightly dominant in CBD. Rub the salve on your upper abdomen between the ribs and the area of the upper back that corresponds to the ‘bra line on a woman’ but applying the salve throughout the posterior thoracic spine to stop the pain is greatly beneficial and should be done frequently at first and as the pain is coming under control you may start to spread out the application of the salve. For me, the more I use the salve the more effective the salve is and the longer the pain blocking effect works. The salve will not go systemic on anyone who applies it for you and there will be people who want to help you out in any way they can so please, put them to work applying your salve. If there is some fear of potential contamination with the cannabis, you may supply some gloves.
If you are experiencing too much nausea to do the tincture orally, you could vaporize high CBD cannabis like AC/DC, 30 parts CBD to 9 parts THC, so you may be a little tipsy but you likely will be out of pain in about 10-15 minutes and the AC/DC will calm anxiety so consider a high CBD vaporizing pen for fast relief. Remember, CBDs must be vaporized at a lower temperature or the quality of the CBD will be lost so have someone help you with CBD vape pens if needed.
Good luck, you need to buy time to stay around since there is so much work being done on finding the correct treatment for pancreatic cancer. Hold intention to live and use your mind to be positive to keep your immune system healthy and strong. You may want to do searches on the net for papers you can read on treatment of pancreatic cancer using integrated medicine as well as all the big tools of Western medical treatment because a lot of support is done with healthy nutrition, digestive enzymes and positive imagery and other treatments.


My husband has had good luck controlling the growth of his metastatic colon cancer that has spread to his liver with Cannabis oil. We used 3 different oils for maximum exposure to different terpenes. I would have liked him to try suppositories also, but he is "Rectal-phobic". The oil was taken by capsule. Three times daily.


I’m sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. There is no reason to smoke or drink. A whole-foods, plant-based diet has been shown to be beneficial for managing cancer symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and apoptosis (cancer cell death.)


The best dosage or best CBD to THC ratio for cancer has many anecdotal answers. If you are looking for a science-based answer regarding using cannabis in cancer please read Dr. Solomon’s answers on this thread. We do know the "high" from THC is definitely modified in character and intensity by the presence of CBD, so finding the right CBD to THC ratio for you would be important. As Dr. Solomon notes, cannabis has a remarkably benign toxicity profile – although too much can be unpleasant there have never been any reports of poisoning or organ damage despite many years of widespread use of the plant. This makes it safe to experiment freely, but still offers no way to judge different recommendations, such as best CBD:THC ratio for cancer. I am usually an "entourage effect" proponent, unwilling to exclude part of the plant when I don’t fully understand what all the parts contribute, so I’m inclined toward more holisitic, "whole plant" preparations. Some varieties are bred to express mostly CBD, so you can still manipulate the CBD:THC ratio by including those. I also think of cannabis as an excellent mood moderator, better than many medications taken daily for this purpose, and in treating cancer I see an important role for this action both for patient comfort and to support the well established relationship between positive attitude and better survival in cancer.


My mother was diagnosed in May of 2013 with 4 Cancer.She was given 3 to 6 months to live,not because of spreading but because of the location of the tumor, it is abutting the aorta. she is 53 and also has MS.I succeeded in saving her life by getting Rick Simpson Oil from this guy in California.You can contact him if interested in getting some Oil:
Email… tplug05 at gmail dot com .
Phone…..+1(559)420-0769 .

Jones leton90

My mother was diagnosed in May of 2013 with 4 Cancer.She was given 3 to 6 months to live,not because of spreading but because of the location of the tumor, it is abutting the aorta. she is 53 and also has MS.
I succeeded in saving her life by getting Rick Simpson Oil from this guy in California.You can contact him if interested in getting some Oil:
Email… tplug05 at gmail dot com .
Phone…..+1(559)420-0769 .

alison leton

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