What is the best product for my wife she’s 35 and when she does her morning walks her knees ache bad. She never had had any knee injuries

" I have bought her custom running shoes insoles etc .. still knees pain , So we are knew to the Cbd world I use cannibis for my back but I use edibles or a vape . She wants a cBd product but which one ?? Please help thank you "

Hi there!
There is no best cannabis product for any condition out there. Everybody responds differently to cannabis — everyone’s pain level; tolerance to pain; tolerance to THC; amenability to psychoactive effects and type of pain are all major factors when guiding a patient with a recommendation.
However, I can provide some general guidelines and recommendations.

For "conventional" (nociceptive) pain issues, such as arthritis, sprains, strains, dislocations, and myofacial pain — in other words inflammatory pain — I most often recommend a high CBD vs THC edible, spray or tincture, such as the 18:1 formulations offered by Care By Design. I have no affiliation with them; however, I like the fact that they use the whole plant when making their products rather than isolating only THC and CBD; they offer a variety of ratios; they offer all routes of administration, other than combustion; they clearly label their products in mgs of THC and CBD per dose; and they are one of the easier medically oriented product lines to find.
Products to consider:


Since the pain is localized, she can also try a topical cream. I recommend the creams with THC and CBD, rather than the pure CBD creams. THC containing topical creams will not cause any psychoactivity.

Some very high CBD strains to consider:
ACDC – a 20:1 sativa strain
Ringo’s Gift – a 25:1 hybrid strain
Charlotte’s Web – a 30:1 sativa strains

I hope this helps!


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