What is the best cannabis strand to help induce eating?

"I am looking to help my 77 year old father. He lost 45 pounds in 4 months. Haven’t found any reason, as of yet. He needs to induce hunger without anxiety.

Personally I use cannabis to help with Migraines and the side effects I get are the "munchies", or a stimulation to my appetite. I generally smoke "Purple" strains such as Granddaddy Purple or Purple Urkle. These strains are Indica and generally put me to sleep as well. A Hybrid I use to stimulate appetite recently has been Gorilla Glue #4, but that is a Sativa dominate strain that can induce anxiety in some.


I keep hearing the strain Tahoe OG thrown around when it comes to appetite. Similar to Bart, I also hear Purple strains are great for appetite, specifically purple platinum.

I also find Girl Scout Cookies has a modest appetite boost and you can’t go wrong with many of the cookie strain crosses.


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