What is good for Meniere's Disease? I have fullness in the ears, some times vertigo and headaches.

Good news and bad news:

The bad news: There is no cure for Meniere’s, and cannabis may not help with all the symptoms.

The good news: In controlled studies, THC has shown to help with nausea often associated with vertigo. These studies are usually done with drugs like Dronabinol, but that’s effectively a brand name for THC. For headaches, THC is also a powerful painkiller.

Thereโ€™s also some anecdotal evidence that CBD may help with dizziness too, but there are no studies that illustrate this (yet).

Your best bet is to look at strains with high levels of THC. High CBD strains may help too, so itโ€™s best to experiment with strains with a few different blends of THC and CBD. For pain and nausea, THC is the best way to get relief.

Erik McLaren

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