What is a good cannabis treatment for someone with Stage 1 breast cancer?

Hi, I am sorry to hear that you are going through this. There have been some studies showing that THC and CBD may contribute to a decrease in disease progression. I am quoting from a study done by the American Association of Cancer Research:

"Here, we show that Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), through activation of CB2 cannabinoid receptors, reduces human breast cancer cell proliferation by blocking the progression of the cell cycle and by inducing apoptosis. "

This study, performed on cells in a lab, showed that THC induces cell death (apoptosis) of cancerous cells. The researchers further hypothesized that, "these data might set the bases for a cannabinoid therapy for the management of breast cancer".

You can access the full article here:

I hope this helps you.


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