What have people found to be the best vape pen for CBD oil?

"Looking for a vape to use with flowers since cartridges seem not to be available for the strains I am looking for. Looking to stay within a reasonable price range."

The firefly is a great device to vape concentrates with, but it is a little cost prohibitive. I found a lot of success with most dual coil globe atomizer type setups. A lot of head shops will sell them for $30-$50 or you can find them online. Single coils just don’t do it for the heavier oils. I would also recommend checking out this list as well: https://hightimes.com/culture/high-times-2015-vape-pen-buyers-guide/


Is there an exact strain you are looking for? At W Vapes, we only produce strain specific cartridges and pens. The firefly device is great for flower. You can really be as exact as you like with a dry flower vaporizer, mixing strains to your liking. If you’re looking for an oil cartridge for a specific strain, we are always trying to develop more and more strain choices to satisfy patient needs. In the past, we’ve made cartridges using Harlequin and HarleTsu and currently have Cannatonic cartridges in stock.

Feel free to check out our offered strains or contact us with feedback on strains at our website: wvapes.com


Bloom Farms has a CBD special reserve that is really good and it comes in a pre filled cartridge. So ask your local dispensary if they carry it or could try too.
I do also love WVapes as well. But I had the same CBD related problems finding one too


We just added AC/DC and Cashey’s Honey to our CBD offerings as well! Please let us know what strain you are looking for. We’re always seeking feedback from patient’s as to what your needs and preferences are!


Columbia Care, and Bloomfield industries in LI in NY have reasonable prices. Otherwise Etain Health has the best quality HIGH CBD Vape cartridges in the State of NY,


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