I am not a vet, but I do work in the field so I have heard some of the discussions surrounding this topic amountst vets. I think there’s going to be some doctors who are against it just like there are human doctors against it. However, the general consensus that I’ve gathered over the years is that there just isn’t enough data one way or the other so they don’t feel comfortable advising that as it would not be best medicine but they often times will comment if the owner brings it up and say well i I don’t know enough to say much about it but I do have x amount of clients that are currently reporting good results
From personal experience a high cbd oil, decreased the growth rate of my elderly dogs osteosarcoma, decreased inflammation and pain. The vet was shocked. She is hopeful for more research so she can share information with others. Though my personal doctor recommended high the for pain relief. It was end stage, and my dog was maxed out on all available pain meds.
This is from treatibles.com website:
Does the Treatibles team work with any veterinarians?
Yes. Many veterinarians are currently using the products in their practices regularly.
Are there other professionals who use Treatibles in their practice?
We also have trainers, behaviorists, animal communicators, and groomers all over the U.S. that use the product with clients in their practices. For example they often use the products for stress/anxiety, trauma, aggression, socializing with dogs and people, panic, and depression.
We have clients who are veterinarians. Many of them purchase our product because their customers request it. One of our new veterinarian clients purchased two cases of our products recently; the day their order arrived they called to purchase two more cases because they were nearly out of their first order!
Dr. Rob Silver, DVM, has written a book on the topic, “Medical Marijuana and Your Pet – the Definitive Guide.” He lectures widely and has been working for years to help educate veterinarians and the public regarding cannabis cannabinoids and their safe use with pets.
You can find Dr. Silver’s book at https://www.potforpets.info/
Dr. Silver and Dr. Becker discuss the value of CBD for pets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnJiXH-YK-I
Dr. Gary Richter discusses the value of CBD for pets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoyEg4uiq_A
Dr. Doug Kramer discusses the value of CBD for pets:
The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) conducted a survey of pet owners and found that 61.8% to 95% of the participants rated the health benefits of CBD-laced treats for their pets as ‘moderate to excellent:’ https://www.ahvma.org/wp-content/uploads/AHVMA-2016-V42-Hemp-Article.pdf
The testimonials for CBD use with pets, as posted on the AVMA website, are similar to the testimonials we receive for Treatibles: https://www.avma.org/news/javmanews/pages/130615a.aspx
In doing research for my own pet I found very few vets who could speak to it, but went on personal research and gut instinct which proved to be better for my cat’s inflammation/cancer than the western meds he was on. projectcbd.org is a helpful website.