What could you recommend for boneloss of jaw, alopecia areata and neuropathy?

"I have a severe bone loss condition in the jawbone following loss of teeth. Very painful over periods, daily use of painkillers needed. Inflammation of the gums. Then there is a reoccurring loss of hair in patches. Had this over 25 years coming back now and then. This time one patch stops and the next one occurs. So no stopping, like it used to do. Seems to be related to autoimmune somehow.
And two years ago a numbness in my feet started, some sort of neuropathy. Doctor couldn’t tell me anything about it. It’s progressing. Tried CBD over 3-4 month. No real help so far. Could you possibly give me a recommendation?"

My bffdog Zena was diagnosed w/liver cancer and barely survived the surgery to remove her spleen & determine that the cancer had spread to much. She was weak & her appetite had fallen off and going to the bathroom had been difficult for several months. I didn’t want to do cheap – I just wanted the rest of her life to be as normal & pain free as possible. Within a day of taking high cbd capsule (from canna-pet) she was back to being a Z I hadn’t see. In over a year – engaged, relaxed, happy – appetite back – wanted to play! And more normal bathroom habits. She lived another 10 normal months & Up until the last few hours of her life you wouldn’t have known she was sick & I am so thankful. My vet said if I found something that worked than go with it. There is a growing amount of research about cannibis & tumors in the liver. Additionally there are pet insurance companies that cover such an alternative therapy.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. – Socampy8


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