What cbd product might i take for seizures

"Have been diagnosed with seizure activity that is mild (absentee seizures). I take Keppra for this. My doctor here in Arkansas said I could also take some cbd product to help. Since cbd is new to Arkansas my Dr. had no advice as to dosage or brand of cbd product. His advice was basically to experiment like it was a dietary supplement from WALMART. Do you have any information that might help me find out what cbd product might be good for me?"

Hello and thank you for your question,
Cannabis is now very well known for it’s efficacy as an anti-epileptic medication. In fact, the walk in clinic I also work at receives several referrals from the neighboring Children’s Hospital for their seizure patients; I myself have treated patients as young as three.

The story that really put cannabis in the spotlight as an effective anti-epilectic was the story of Charlotte Figi, a beautiful child who was suffering from up to 300 grand mal seizure per week! She was eventually treated with a cbd oil which reduced her seizure frequency down to two to three times per month; that’s about a 99% improvement! That cbd oil that was eventually branded as Charlotte’s Web.

Therefore, I would recommend a cbd oil to ingest as daily prevention while also carrying a pen vaporizer loaded with a cbd cartridge to use if you experience an aura – i.e. a sensory warning that a seizure is about to occur. I recommend a vape pen in the above scenario since a vape pen is the quickest delivery method available. Therefore, when/if you experience an aura, you could hopefully get a dose in before the seizure starts.


Excellent CBD oils:
Excellent CBD vapes:
I hope this helps!


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