What Bloom Farm products would work best for cervical neuropathic radiculopathy?

"I am having bilateral numbness in my upper extremities that stems from my neck, I have used AC/DC in the past with some good results, which of your products that I might use?"

I don’t have any experience with this particular condition, but AC/DC is a high CBD strain, meaning it’s good for treating pain conditions (as well as anxiety) without a high amount of psycho-activity. If CBD strains like AC/DC have helped you in the past, the Electra-tsu single origin reserve cartridge from Bloom Farms might be a good option. This is a high CBD strain extract, one that I personally use for anxiety. The highlighter vape pen is extremely convenient for dosing, being both easy and discrete. For neuropathic conditions, a ratio of different cannabinoids (including both CBD and THC) is said to be helpful. CBD on its own might not be enough. So you might consider trying a couple different cartridges in addition to the Electra-tsu, to see what works for you. You can buy a single highlighter pen and switch out the different cartridges whenever you feel you need more THC or CBD, etcetera. It depends highly on your individual body, and what level of psycho-activity you want.


Hi there! We currently have our "Electra-Tsu" CBD cartridge and are set to release our "AC/DC" CBD cartridge next week!

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