Technical information about extraction

"When extracting, what method do you use? I’ve never seen strains on the product just THC and CBD amounts by MG. I was curious if Kiva will start providing CBG, CBC, CBN, and other technical information on the products or can this information be found anywhere. Because in reality even if the THC and CBD are consistent controlled, using different materials will actually make different products."

Because in reality even if the THC and CBD are consistent controlled, using different materials will actually make different products


They responded on another question that they use cold water extraction to render their concentrate. I would assume that the costs involved with printing detailed strain information for each batch are quite cost prohibitive and while there are a select few individuals who would actually be able understand and use the extra information, the majority of the general public seems to only be concerned with overall THC and CBD content. I agree that it would be nice to see a sativa or indica only product from Kiva as there are definitely differences in the way they can be used.


We employ several methods of extraction to concentrate the actives found in the cannabis plant. While we are particularly interested in THC and CBD, we do analyze for the total cannabinoid and terpene profile of our hash and oils. While THC & CBD are not monographed per USP/FDA standards, they are the most studied with data to support their therapeutic affects. While there is data in the ethos that speaks to the therapeutic affect of the other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, we do not have reputable data to support reporting any levels that would guide our patients as to their affects.


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