Recommendations for S/I joint pain and psoas/illiacus pain?

"I have had 3 spinal injections and am feeling a bit desperate, due to severe psoas/illiacus pain when I wake up (3-4 hours) and ongoing pain over my S/I joint. My L5/S1 disc space is severely narrowed as well. Want to find out what is causing the pain. One Dr working diagnosis is sacroilliitis. I had 2 injections into the L5/S1 joint (nerve root block did nothing, facet joint injection helped. Then I had an S/I joint injection – numbing agent helped for one day. Pain is now localized over S/I joint and psoas/illiacus and down front of the leg. I am trying yoga, and had been taking up to 1200 mg ibuprofen. My yoga instructor suggested CBD and I was told to do 20/1 day and 8/1 night. I am getting no pain relief so far, and only minimal muscle relaxation. Thoughts?"

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Thank you for your question and I am very sorry to hear about your pain. CBD is a wonderful choice for theraputic relief of many medical issues, including pain. I do suggest adding some THC to the CBD given the extent of your injuries and your reported symptoms. Work with your dispensary to find a ratio of CBD: THC that meets your treatment goals. Many patients have concerns that the THC will make them feel strange but your pharmacist can work with you to find a dosage that can balance the neurological effects of the THC (if any) with therapeutic pain relief. Many patients will use a low THC: high CBD product during the day and a high THC:low CBD product in the evenings and/or during sleep. There isn’t a cookie cutter approach to management of pain so what works for one person may not work for another. I suggest keeping a log of all products and dosages you attempt for accurate tracking of what works and what doesn’t. Take this log with you to the dispensary for an imformative discussion with your pharmacist.

Best of luck!


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