Question about husband's neuropathy in legs and feet

"Just read this article. Very interested in this for my husband who has severe neuropathy in both feet (knee down on both) and has tingling all the time. He does not have diabetes and has been told by several doctors that they can’t do anything for him. Would these patches work for him? We live in Texas (is that a problem) as I saw California, Colorado, etc. I would love to see him not have a tingling and would LOVE for something to work on his nerve endings and possibly get this reversed for him. Thanks My email is vansand57@aol.com"

Hi there-
Unfortunately, it appears that at this time the Texas Compassionate Use Act allows the use of low-THC cannabis for intractable epilepsy only. You can read more about the requirements on the Texas Department of Public Safety’s website here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/RSD/CUP/FAQs/index.htm

However, if you were to travel to a legal state, such as CA, your husband could obtain a medical recommendation while here, and legally purchase cannabis products for use while he is in CA.


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