"I weaned myself off of an antidepressant medication, Paxil, by using MMJ. I was taking Paxil because of depression and anxiety. I was wondering, if I plan on becoming pregnant, how would I go about medications? Would I need to get back onto Paxil? Or would it be healthier to continue ingesting MMJ? I can’t imagine Paxil being ok for the fetus?"
I would like to start out by saying that I’m not a doctor! But I think you should talk with yours about your options now, while you’re planning your pregnancy. I know there are some antidepressants that are ok while pregnant, but I will leave it to a doctor to say which ones. I’ve attached an article below that discusses the subject that you might find helpful.
I will say that I took a break from cannabis as soon as we decided we wanted to try for a baby and every medical professional I spoke with thought that was the best course of action.
I know it’s frustrating out there since there is very little medical information about what you should and shouldn’t do while pregnant, but I definitely think a chat with your doctor(s) now would be the best thing.
Hope this was helpful!
Evidence based literature is not sufficient to support the use of cannabis during pregnancy. However, according to Metz and Stickrath (2015), cannabis used by pregnant women does not appear to signficantly affect fetal health or neonatal outcomes but almost all studies rely on self-report to assess cannabis use in pregnant women. A meta-analysis of 10 studies found that women who used cannabis more than 4x per week were found to have babies of low birthweight, with a mean of 131 g or lighter when compared to women who did not use cannabis.
Paxil is listed as a D rating for pregnancy meaning it has been shown to have postive evidence of risks but the benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk. That being said, there are other anti-depressants proven to have less risk when used by women who are pregnant. Regardless of cannabis or more traditional medications, treatment of depression in the setting of pregnancy should include expertise from a mental health provider and obstretrician
Hello there! I understand the difficult situation you are in. When it comes to antidepressants, Paxil is in class D for pregnancy safety (generally not suggested unless there is a life-threatening emergency). Other antidepressants are Class C (use with caution if benefits outweigh risks). The problem is that we don’t really know what cannabis does to the fetus. There are conflicting studies that say there are no developmental differences between those babies born to mothers who used cannabis. However, there are problems with these studies (i.e. only some mention the frequency and amount of cannabis use in the pregnant mothers). Other studies show neurodevelopmental issues in babies born to mothers who use cannabis. ACOG (the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology) have the following to say about cannabis use during pregnancy and afterwards during breastfeeding:
https://www.acog.org/Clinical-Guidance-and-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Obstetric-Practice/Marijuana-Use-During-Pregnancy-and-Lactation. However, you are between a rock and a hard place because of your anxiety and depression so I understand your quandary. My suggestion is to consider non-pharmacologic options for anxiety/depression management (i.e. intensive cognitive behavioral therapy, self-hypnosis, etc.) and discuss with a mental health professional and your ob-gyn about your options (& their own thoughts on risks/benefits of possibly using medical cannabis vs. other antidepressants) The final decision is ultimately yours. Good luck and godspeed!
If you plan to become pregnant, the best way is not to take any medicine that may affect the fetus, the main key to a pregnancy is to first get it to generate the embryo and stabilize, so that happens you have to avoid any substance that is nociba
The mmj is very good for many symptoms of different patalogoias but, it can affect considerably the fetus in its formation and even more it has effect for babies who are lactating. They alter your behavior, sleep habits, sweating and arrhythmias.
Try relaxation exercises, healthy food and control your pregnancy with your doctor
Please, consider looking at your anxiety and depression and see where it is originating, such as hypercriticism or a lack of love for yourself, is it due to excessive snack foods with chemicals that cause anxiety, is it due to lack of proper nutrients in your diet possiby from depletion due to birth control, or lack of sleep with too much stress? There are many factors that could be addressed and your health significantly improved so that you may not even need drug therapy but the drugs tend to be the quick, easy and profitable answer for typical western practitioners who are stressed for time and quick solutions. Your baby can’t give consent for the drugs so it is best to avoid the drugs since your baby needs a safe, nurturing environment during the developmental stages. Please, look for a functional or integrated doctor to help you plan for the healthiest baby and pregnancy outcome possible. When you put your baby’s concerns first you will come up with the best solution for both of you and start visioning and invoking your desired spirit now.
The best-supported medicinal use of marijuana is as a treatment for chronic pain
cannabis has the ability to totally eliminate nightmares. reduces some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite
WICKR::: "donclean"
The best-supported medicinal use of marijuana is as a treatment for chronic pain
cannabis has the ability to totally eliminate nightmares. reduces some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite
WICKR::: "donclean"
The best-supported medicinal use of marijuana is as a treatment for chronic pain
cannabis has the ability to totally eliminate nightmares. reduces some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite
WICKR::: "donclean"
The best-supported medicinal use of marijuana is as a treatment for chronic pain
cannabis has the ability to totally eliminate nightmares. reduces some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite
WICKR::: "donclean"
The best-supported medicinal use of marijuana is as a treatment for chronic pain
cannabis has the ability to totally eliminate nightmares. reduces some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite
WICKR::: "donclean"
Any pharmaceuticals you take will be flowing through the blood supply of the baby. Since you are planning becoming pregnant, you know happy hormones come along with this time. Crazy hormones come too, but most women find themselves happier while pregnant due to the elevated everything going on…On the other hand, some moms are super stressed, especially if it is their first. I personally take calming herbs that are safe for all aged mammals, without any adverse side effects. Try Lemon Balm as an uplifter, Valerian root for GABA and SSRI replacement, and non-psychoactive hemp flowers for phytocannabinoid therapy, anti-oxidation, and anti-illness while pregnant. Reach out if you want to chat!
Not sure if you posted this recently? (There’s no date on the post?) But a recent study done, don’t quote me because idk the foundation who did the study? Or how it was funded? Or what variables, conditions, etc…. Of this study. For that fact, I’m not even one hundred percent sure what I’m going to say is accurate! But, at least I’m able to accept that it may not be accurate, because I’m going to read the actual findings myself! But if it’s accurateaccurate THE RESULTS ARE ASTONISHING! They have concluded, that marijuana, the, cbd, terpenes, cannabis is not harmful, TO THE FETUS! This is hugehuge(if the findings confirm this!) because it is one step closer to reclassifying the whole plant as medicinally beneficial! Finding that marijuana doesn’t CAUSE HARM, has to happen before people will even start to admit that it "ACTUALLY DOES TONS OF GOOD THINGS!"
I think this article gives you clear picture about having cannabis before, during and after pregnancy.
you should for sure ask your doctor.
My daughter has taken Zoloft, as per her doctor’s instructions, throughout her pregnancy, and will give birth this month to a healthy, big baby girl