Marijuana is now legal in Nevada for medical cardholders or not. What are the pros and cons of this system?

Hi, The 2013 Legislature passed Senate Bill 374 allowing Medical Marijuana in the state of Nevada for qualifying patients. A patient must be diagnosed with one of the following debilitating conditions:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Cachexia (wasting and malnutrition associated with chronic disease)
Persistent Muscle Spasms (including Multiple Sclerosis)
Seizures (including Epilepsy)
Severe Nausea
Severe Pain
Additional conditions specifically approved by the Department of Health and Human Services.

PROS: Access to raw bud, edibles and a wide variety of products. Both adults and minors may enroll as patients. Registered patients may legally possess up to 2 ยฝ ounces in a single 14-day period (purchased through state licensed dispensaries). Nevada law (SB 447) currently allows patients to home cultivate (grow) under certain circumstances. Medical Provider can issue medical marijuana certificates without special registration through Nevada’s DOH. Nevada cardholders can use their registry card to buy cannabis from dispensaries in Michigan and Rhode Island. Cardholders from other states may purchase medical cannabis from a licensed Nevada dispensary.

CONS: No public consumption, medical users can not buy guns and opioid addiction cannot be treated with cannabis.

The Medical Marijuana program is quite extensive compared to other states and Recreational Marijuana is also legal.


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