Ive tried some CBD products and its not resolving my pain. Please recommend CBD products

You do not mention where your pain is located and that info would be helpful but CBD generally works for all types of pain. I suspect you are using the oral CBD and that could take up to a month for you to feel the effects but it is working to get of the inflammatory cells but in addition I would highly recommend that you consider vaporizing the high CBD vapor oil such as AC/DC because it is effective almost immediately. Typically it only takes a small amount about three times a day and you really should be out of pain and at the same time you can continue your oral preparation.
If your joints and bones hurt, you likely are low in vitamin D and you may need to add vitamin D3 in order to resolve your pain. The ideal blood level for vitamin D is above 55ng/ml in order to relieve your pain and restore your bones and joints to health.
I also advise the use of cannabis salve to apply where ever your body is hurting and if an Area in your abdomen is hurting, don’t forget to apply the Salve along the spine where the nerves come out for complete release of your pain.
Let me know how this works but I do suspect within one day you will be better.


On the Right Side of my head thats were the pain is shooting down to my shoulders giving me tingling sensation.


You don’t say what serving size or purity CBD you’re using, but we’d recommend taking a close look at the Certificates of Analysis for the products you’re using to be sure you’re getting the purity and potency you’re looking for to ease your pain.

Elixinol posts it’s Certificates of Analysis on each of its product pages, for example, you’ll see it on this page right above the "Add to Cart" button: https://elixinol.com/product/cbd-capsules/

If you have any questions regarding serving size or frequency, Dr. Philip Blair MD is available to work with our customers to directly answer those questions on an individual basis.

Please don’t stay in pain, please reach out to Dr. Blair.


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