Is there a risk of clotting deficiency with HLT brownies?

"I renewed my card with you online (not sure of the date) and went to Harborside to purchase HLT brownies. I have been using 1/4-1/2 @ hs since then. Last week I was hospitalized at Stanford with a severe clotting problem: Acquired Factor VIII deficiency (have 1%) and had to start chemo because of the risk of internal bleeding. The ONLY change in my life was this brownie. Do you have any documentation around this? I am an MD and have been prescribing and I am very concerned about this. I could die from this and again, it is the only change in my life in the last few months. The hematologist at Stanford sees at the most one case per year. This is an acquired form of Hemophilia A, extremely rare but I really wonder if the HLT did this. I want to report it."

In all honesty that brownie would not cause that to happen. It was just a coincidence. You probably carried a gene from a parent and it’s just now reaking havik. I’m not sure why you would ever think that a marijuana brownie could cause that.



Just from personal experience I would like to add that I have never had any issues when consuming the HTL brownie and I have consumed about 20 in the last 5+ years.

It is possible you may have another medical condition that should be checked out.

Cannabis has been found to have anti-coagulant properties when tested in lab rats but the science is still being tested in humans.

THC and CBN display anticoagulant activity and may be useful in the treatment of diseases such as type 2 diabetes in which a hypercoagulable state exists.


On doing a literature search, this was the only article I could find that shows any possible relationship between cannabinoids and bleeding dyscrasias. There was no mention of cannabinoids being linked to Acquired Favor VIII insufficiency , Hemophilia A or anything related. If anything , the article seemed to say in this experimental situation that cannabinoids seemed to increase clotting/ thrombogenic potential not cause delayed clotting times as seen in Factor VII insufficiency . source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190025/. I hope this helps out


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