Is it safe to take CBD the day before surgery where I will be receiving anesthesia?

@Perry Solomon, MD Should be able to address this question. He is an anesthesiologist by training. I will let him know about it. Good luck with your surgery.


This is one of the notices I send patients:
If you ever do end up with surgery you must discontinue your CBD’s and your vitamin D3 approximately 48 hours before surgery. Both CBD and vitamin D thin the blood so typically surgeons would like to have you off anything that thins your blood for 48 hours before surgery. You may start in both medications again after surgery, typically when you’re released from the hospital.


There should be no issue with you taking CBD the day before surgery, unless you are on blood thinners. CBD could perhaps prolong your bleeding time. As an anti-inflammatory it may even help with your wound healing. Depending on the time of your surgery, I would make sure that if you are taking a capsule that you observe the intructions by whoever calls you from the hospital regarding what time to stop eating and drinking fluids. You should not take the CBD after that time either. For post operative pain you might want to consider using a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio tincture instead of an opioid, if one is prescribed by your surgeon. I would also let them know that you are taking it as well.

Perry Solomon, MD

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