Is it OK to continue the Cheeba Chews now that I am taking Pradaxa.

"I have been using Cheeba Chews for my essential tremor but now am taking Pradaxa a blood thinner. Is it OK to continue the Cheeba Chews now that I am taking Pradaxa. The chews really help control my tremor but need to know if the two work OK together?"

Pradaxa is a anticoagulant that works by effecting the clotting protein called thrombin. It is used to prevent blood clots from forming because of a irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. Preventing these blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke.

It has been reported that cannabis can effect the heart rate in some people. Pradaxa, verses warfarin (another drug to help prevent clotting) is not effected by Vitamin K, that can be found in cannabis if you juice it raw. I would ask my physician if there is some interaction that I am unaware of however.

Perry Solomon, MD

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