Is CBD effective with treating post-stroke muscle spasticity? If so, what dosage?

"In a 1982 survey of people with spinal cord injuries, 21 of 43 respondents reported that marijuana reduced muscle spasticity, while nearly every participant in a 1997 survey of 112 regular marijuana users with multiple sclerosis replied that the drug lessened both pain and spasticity. This is not to say that most people with multiple sclerosis find relief with marijuana but only that the marijuana users among them do."

There are also several pre-clinical studies that suggest that cannabis could be useful in treating spasticity.

Sativex — which is a 1:1 CBD:THC oromucosal spray — was recently approved for the management of resistant MS spasticity as add-on medication and was shown to be a cost-effective treatment option for patients with MS-related spasticity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22681512

There is also a possible Phase 2 clinical trial assessing PTL101โ€™s — which is an oral gelatin matrix containing highly purified CBD —ย  efficacy in treating spasticity-related symptoms in MS patients is in the planning stages.

Please consult with a physician before starting any cannabis regimen. We could then evaluate your specific case and provide you with informed recommendations regarding dosing schedule and otherwise.


Many patients these days are asking questions about using CBD for all kinds of conditions. I think it’s useful to remember that for many conditions in which cannabis has proven helpful there isn’t much clinical science supporting the benefit of single cannabinoid treatment over preparations using more of the plant. And even when there is, defining an optimal dose is a lot more complicated and lengthy process which has rarely been done. For the particular benefit that has been observed in conditions involving muscle spasticity I would expect preparations including some THC to be more helpful than CBD alone. My own experience in this area is with patients with long-standing MS whose muscle spasticity seemed to respond better to preparations with significant amounts of THC. However, the non-psychoactivity and essential lack of toxicity of CBD makes experimenting with it quite reasonable. As Dr. Kim suggested, preparations with various ratios of CBD:THC are available so one could easily begin with CBD alone and cautiously advance the THC content to find what is most helpful. If you are currently on prescription medications it might be best do this with the guidance of your physician, although I’m not aware of many physicians who are likely to be enthusiastic about participating in this kind of plan.


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alison leton

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