Is cannabis Kosher for Passover under the Jewish faith?

Interesting that you should ask that. Just recently Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who is widely considered to be the leading ultra-orthodox rabbi in the world, ruled that medical cannabis can be eaten or smoked over the 10 day Passover celebration.

Normally cannabis leaves are considered part of a legumes or grains that are banned for Jews of Ashkenazi origin. Observant Jews donโ€™t eat leavened grain products during the eight days of Passover because the holiday commemorates the Biblical story of Exodus, when Jews fleeing slavery in Egypt didnโ€™t have time to let their bread rise. They took instead flat, hard unleavened bread that today is sold as matzo. Passover dietary rules forbid consumption of certain grain-based foods like bread and pasta that puffs up when cooked.

Perry Solomon, MD

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