I'm having surgery. How far in advance should I stop taking edibles?

"Should I stop taking CBD oil prior to surgery? If so, how far in advance should I stop?"

There are no established guidelines regarding the matter. However, if vaping the oil and undergoing general anesthesia, in order to reduce the chance of respiratory complications during and after sugery, I recommend that you discontinue for at least one week in advance. Also, very high doses of CBD may possibly reduce the body’s ability to form blood clots. Your anesthesiologist will/should make sure that ability is not compromised. Furthermore, CBD can lower blood pressure, which may also make things a bit trickier for your anesthesiologist. Regardless, you should fully disclose the matter to your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Also, in order to evaluate your specific case properly, I advise that you consult with a medical cannabis physician. This information should not be taken as medical advice.


There are many differing opinions on this topic. Since medical cannabis is relatively new in todayโ€™s medicine more research needs to be done in this area. I would consult with your surgeon or anesthesiologist for a recommendation as it may interfere with your anesthesia. I agree with Dr. Kim, you should stop vaping for a least one week before your surgery due to the possibility of respiratory complications.


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