If i lost my medi card can i use my recommendation ?

Hi there!

Sorry to hear you lost your ID card! You can use our live chat feature in the bottom corner of our website to get in touch with our Customer Service team. We can get another copy of your ID card sent out right away!

However, please keep in mind that the photo ID card is NOT your actual recommendation, it is merely a "convenience card." When you are visiting your local dispensary, you should have your hard copy of your recommendation with the gold seal, as that is what most dispensaries prefer to see. If you have not received the embossed recommendation, we can get another copy sent out along with your photo ID card.

In the mean time, we find that delivery services are most accepting of the digital copy of your recommendation. You can find that by selecting "View Medical Card" while signed into your HelloMD account, and use that PDF while you wait for the hard copy to arrive.

I hope this information helps!


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