I was a mailman for 35 years,carring a shoulder bag,now retired,I have a sharp burning pain,in my lower

"back that stops the minute I sit down. I consulted different specialists,but came home with one answer,surgery,the problem with that option,a take bloodthinner. I saw your page on the internet, and I believe in the product. So any hope for me?"

Sorry to hear about your back pain! The HMBLT pens have been found effective for combatting the ailments the have been designed for. I personally, use the sleep formula and have found it effective.

In your case I would try and see if the pain relief pen works with your body. You will also want to look into cannabis topicals. Applying the cannabinoids directly to the affected area for some is much more effective than inhaling the cannabis, though both in combination can be a very effective remedy for chronic pain. You can also use topicals alone on your back if you are not looking to feel "high."


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