I obtained my card when in California, and now reside in Nevada. What is the procedure for obtaining a card

"For Nevada?"

Hi there! To get a medical recommendation in NV, you’ll need to visit or find a service with a NV licensed doctor. You can try searching for one here: https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/medical-marijuana-doctors/nv/

Also, you may want to check with the dispensaries in your area to see if they will accept your CA recommendation. NV has passed reciprocity laws allowing out of state patients, or those with recommendations from other states to use them there. However, not all dispensaries will accept an out of state recommendation, so to be safe, verify that the ones near you do. You can read more about this here: https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/reciprocity-baby-leaflys-medical-cannabis-guide-to-las-vegas

I hope that helps!


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