I have upper back muscle pain and spasms. Referred pain around abdomen present

Hello there,

I’m sorry to hear about your upper back muscle pain / spasms. That sounds very uncomfortable. I’d like to state that i’m not a Dr, I own a cannabis delivery service in Marin County. I would recommend CBD products for the pain. I’ve found the listed products below to be very helpful for pain management.

SIVA patch – CBD time released (6-8 hours): https://www.sivapatch.com/

Aunt Zelda’s topical for spot treatment (put it on where it hurts) https://auntzeldas.org/

hmbldt relief dose pen: https://hmbldt.com/pen-relief/

CBD tincture 11:1 ratio: https://www.thefarmaceuticalscompany.com/

I hope you found this helpful!

  • Nurit w/ ONA


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